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Want to reach an active audience? Write for us! We welcome high-quality guest blog posting. Covering useful search phrases like “buy guest posts”, “CBD guest post”, “blog guest posting”, “guest blog service”, “guest post services + CBD”, “write for us + cannabis”, and “write for us + fashion”, “write for us + Life Style”, “write for us + news”, “guest post+ food”, “guest post+ tech”, “guest post+ health&medical”, “guest post+ Hair & Skin”, and “guest post+ health” will lead you to us.

Share your unique insights with us!

We appreciate contributors who share their unique perspectives, insights, and knowledge with the Perfect Tips 4 Health community. We love connecting with content creators who can help us fulfil our mission: advancing the practice of a healthy lifestyle.

If you have an idea for an article that you think would benefit others, read our blogging guidelines before drafting. As a token of appreciation for blog guest posting, we’re offering free registration to anyone who gets two new posts accepted and published on the Perfect Tips 4 Health site during the calendar year.

What Are We Looking For?

Our goal is to help our community grow healthier and fitter. We ensure that everything we publish on our blog is relevant to our readers and provides direct value. If you believe you can provide such content, we’d love to share your expertise.

  1. The article should focus on quality and add value to readers.
  2. It should be 100% unique.
  3. You cannot post the same article twice or on any other platform.
  4. The article shouldn’t promote any service or product.
  5. The article should be related to the mentioned topics.
  6. Minimum word limit is 800 words. Maximum word limit is 1600 words.
  7. All articles go through a plagiarism test.
  8. We accept up to 3 do-follow links in each post, so make sure to differentiate them in your article.
  9. The picture size should be 660px.
  10. You should actually own the article.

Some Tips That Will Prioritize Your Article In Our Schedule:

  1. Ensure your article is SEO-based and takes advantage of sentimental & power keywords.
  2. Feel free to check out our blog articles to understand our preferred style.
  3. Ensure there are no grammatical errors.
  4. Do not include your author bio at the end; we don’t have that section.
  5. Make sure to send your email with your article.

How To Get Your Content Published?

Come up with three headline ideas that you think will work for our audience. Tell us how they’ll help our audience. We’ll review your ideas and get back to you within 24 hours.

Once your article is ready, you can send it to the following email. We will get back to you with the schedule.

Submit your article at: with the subject line “Guest post submission.”

We look forward to receiving your contribution. Thank you for considering our guest post services!